United Airlines Booking number (845)4229786

United Airlines provides a unique booking number to each passenger when they make a reservation. This number is often included on your reservation confirmation email, and is also listed on the My Account page on united.com.

To use your United Airlines booking number, first log in to united.com. Under "My Account," click on the "Bookings" tab. On the "Booking Details" screen, locate the booking you wish to access and click on the "Details" button. Under "Details," locate and click on the "Booking Number" field. This will display your United Airlines booking number in bold text.



If you have lost or cannot find your United Airlines booking number, you can contact customer service at 1-800-UNITED-1 (1-800-864-8331). They will be able to help you reconstruct your reservation using other information found on your confirmation email or My Account page.


If you've been looking for a United Airlines booking number, or if you just need to confirm your travel plans, this is the article for you. We've included the United Airlines booking number, as well as other important information like baggage restrictions and cancellation penalties, so that everything is conveniently at your fingertips. Thanks for reading!